Getting The Assistance You Need From Your Personal Spirit Guides

Spirit guides are gentle souls who have passed on from this world. They may be past relatives, teachers, or simply guides who chose to help people on Earth. Their role is to look out for our well-being and offer wise counsel when we need it.

We all have spiritual helpers watching over us from the other side – our spirit guides. These loving beings are there to support and guide us through life. But how do you connect with your guides and get the assistance you need

Establishing Contact

To receive guidance, start with daily meditation. Find a quiet spot, breathe deeply, and open your heart. Your guides will sense your invitation. Ask them to give you a sign of their presence, like when you see feathers or coins. They may also speak to you in your thoughts or through meaningful coincidences. 

Once you establish contact, telling your guides your situation and needs is important. Be specific about areas you require help with – career, relationships, or health issues. Ask respectfully while keeping an open mind to the answer. Your guides see the bigger picture and will guide you in the best way.

Common Signs Spirit Guides Are Trying To Communicate With Me?

There are a number of signs that indicate your spirit guide is answering your call. You have to be vigilant for those signs to be seen. The key is being alert to repetitive signs and symbols and paying attention to your intuition.

  1. Repeated Numbers: Seeing the same number sequences like 11:11 or 444 consistently can be a sign. Your guides use numbers as a way to get your attention.
  2. Feathers: Finding feathers in unusual places is a classic sign. Feathers are seen as messengers from the spirit world.
  3. Coins: Discovering coins, especially ones with relevant dates or images, can carry symbolic messages from your guides.
  4. Butterflies Or Dragonflies: Seeing these delicate insects fluttering around you may be a guide trying to connect.
  5. Dreams: Your guides may use dreams to communicate solutions to problems or give you feelings of guidance. Pay attention to dream symbols.
  6. Feelings: Pay attention to strong intuitive nudges or feelings that seem to come from nowhere. Your guides can impart guidance through emotions.
  7. Smells: Catching a pleasant, unfamiliar scent like flowers is a sign. Scents carry energy signatures from spirit.
  8. Coincidences: Pay heed when coincidences, meetings, or discoveries feel too meaningful. Guides use serendipity to point you to answers.
  9. Chills/Tingles: Sensations like goosebumps or waves of calm washing over for no reason are guides at work.

Am I Connecting With My True Spirit Guides Or Communicating With Negative Entities?

It’s important to be discerning when connecting with spiritual beings to ensure you are interacting with true spirit guides instead of potentially negative entities. 

Messages from spirit guides will feel uplifting and empowering. They will encourage spiritual growth through love, wisdom, and patience. They do not judge or belittle you. Negative entities, on the other hand, may try to create fear, doubt, or anxiety within you. They could tell you things that go against your core values or try to manipulate you into harmful behaviors. 

Trust your intuition. If communications feel “off” or threatening in any way, that’s a red flag. Spirit guides only have your highest good in mind and want you to feel secure, supported, and enlightened. Additionally, be cautious of any messages that conflict with your moral or religious principles. Your true guides will never contradict your path or beliefs.

Pay attention to the overall energy – spirit guides impart calm, peaceful vibrations. Negativity creates emotional or mental unrest. Note how the communications make you feel afterward. Uplifted guidance leaves you centered, while negative energy can leave lingering fear or unease.

If there are any doubts, seek clarity through meditation. Call upon spirit guides by name to identify themselves. You may also try discernment techniques like smudging or speaking to a spiritual counselor. 

Differentiate Between My Own Thoughts And The Messages From My Spirit Guides

It’s really confusing to know whether the answers to your problems and questions were given to you by your spirit guides or if you came up with them. Difficult as it may be at first, discerning your own thoughts from messages received from spirit guides becomes easier with practice. 

Clarity Of Message Is Key

Guidance from your spirit team tends to come through clearly and concisely, while our normal thinking process can sometimes be unfocused. Pay attention to whether the communication feels lucid or somewhat muddled. 

Consider The Overall Tone As Well

Spirit guides aim to impart wisdom, reassurance, and care. Their energy will have a supportive, uplifting quality. On the other hand, our inner dialogue is not always positive – it may include unnecessary worrying, self-doubt, or overthinking


Receiving spiritual counsel often leaves you feeling at peace, as opposed to being stirred up mentally or emotionally. Your thoughts don’t automatically soothe inner unrest in the same way. Paying close attention to timing can also help your discernment. Guidance tends to arrive when you are quiet and receptive, whereas you can analyze and strategize at any time. 

With practice in meditating, journaling, and regular communication with your guides over time, you learn to recognize their unique, energetic signature. Trust your intuition as it sharpens. 


Speak with your guides daily in gratitude. Update them on your progress. A caring relationship is built on trust and respect. When life gets hard, they will be there cheering you on. Make time also to enhance your spiritual growth through study and kindness to others. Your guides rejoice in your happiness and successes. With patience and an open heart, connecting to spirit guides can bring wonderful insights and comfort in life’s journey. Their love and wisdom are there to enlighten your path.

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