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The Akasha is an energetic database where all our past actions, thoughts, and intentions are recorded. This is because everything we do or think can be translated into energy through our intentions. This forms an energetic vibration that we can tap into using our psychic senses as all this information resides in the 5th dimension and as we all know, our physical body and the world we live in is 3rd dimensional.

When we tap into the records we actually receive the necessary information from the higher self. This is the wisest version of us who always knows what to reveal at a given time. It is important to note that no one can access someone’s Akashik Records without their consent. You as a person have the free will to close your energetic doors through setting an energetic boundary which requires a strong intention and the appropriate mindset and behaviour so only the people can access any information about you that you gave permission to.

What’s required to open someone’s Records is:
– their full name at birth
– current name (if married or they’ve changed it)
– date of birth
– place of birth (country & city)

The reason being is because all this information holds a unique vibration which act as a key that grants access to the Soul’s Records. Also note that we receive information about the Soul, the energetic essence of you which extends to many lifetimes and not the person you embody to be in this current physical reality. See, there is personality traits and there is Soul characteristics. We want to gain insight into who you are as a Soul because this is who you truly are and lot of times we don’t know ourselves and can even have false self-perception. It is important to know yourself as a person but you have to know yourself on a Soul level first so you can align yourself to this pure aspect of you and once you know your Soul’s characteristics, you’ll be able to apply those traits to your persona which is the key to thriving in life.

This is what Soul transformation means. Another component to this, is that we look at the Soul’s blockages that the person has created over lifetimes and we clear them by first becoming aware of our Soul stories, making conscious effort in our everyday lives by making different choices that are more in alignment, and finally we do an energetic clearing and alignment that is done by both the practitioner and the client. This is why understanding yourself on every level is so crucial which leads to my next clarification on what you can expect after a reading. The most important thing is always your intention as this drives the whole reading. Taking this seriously and truly making an effort is the only way out of our negative karma aka blocks. The energetic alignment that I perform in your Akashik Records and is given to you as a reading acts as a push to take the edges of and helps to keep you on track with more ease.

However, energetic re alignment is never enough as there is always 3rd dimensional actions that will fully transform you. My readings focus on helping you become the best version of yourself through self knowledge, personal development which leads to Soul level transformation. I use a variety of different methods to reach this and there are several important factors that we need to consider to help you understand yourself and your life better.

Some of this can be:
– negative blocks (karma)
– understanding primary life lessons
– uncovering our gifts
– shedding light on the characteristics of our Soul’s origin
– the soul’s manifesting blueprint
– how to receive more vital force energy
– alignment to our environment
– how connected we are to our higher-self
– how we express ourselves multi dimensionally
– chakra clearing
– getting to know our personal spirit guides
– the entire make up system of our soul
– numerology
– relationship alignment



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