How Do I Find My God-Given Gift?

God has created each of us differently, and we’re all gifted and have special talents. Our existence has a purpose, and it’s all related to His plan. It all depends on what role we are chosen to play. However, sometimes, it can be difficult to discern exactly what those gifts are.

Reflect On Your Passions And Interests

The first step in discovering your gifts is taking time for introspection. Make space to quietly reflect on where you sense God stirring your heart.

  1. Start a list of activities, causes, or topics that naturally draw you in or ignite a sense of joy and purpose. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? What topics interest you the most? Considering your interests can provide clues to your giftedness.
  2. Ponder your strengths – how has God uniquely wired your mind, heart, and hands? What areas of life tend to energize you rather than exhaust you? What kinds of tasks or problems feel like second nature to tackle?
  3. Ask yourself what truly brings you a sense of fulfillment, peace, and passion. Where do you detect God’s promptings whispering encouragement? What lights your spirit on fire with enthusiasm for sharing His love?
  4. See if any patterns emerge connecting your natural leanings to potential gifts that could glorify God. Don’t judge yourself; simply listen with an open heart to how He has gifted you the ability to minister to others through the privileges and experiences He has graced your life with.

Assess Your Strengths And Weaknesses

To further discern your divine strengths and unique configuration, continue faithful self-examination:

  1. Prayerfully consider strengths you’ve observed in areas like compassion, teaching, encouragement, service, and more. How has God endowed you in ways that uplift others?
  2. Also, reflect on perceived weaknesses with gentleness. Might areas of sensitivity instead reflect special empathy to comfort struggling souls? What growing edges could He cultivate into gifts that point hearts to Him?
  3. You may find spiritual gift inventories helpful for perspective, but remember tests are simply tools – God knows you best. Remain open if results don’t feel clear. His revelations are not bound by what human methods conclude.

Seek Guidance From Others

As you reflect privately, consider also seeking the gentle perspectives of your Christian community:

  1. Speak with trusted friends and loved ones about the insights God has granted them regarding your gifts, strengths, and character. Their observations with eyes of Christian love can offer external guidance.
  2. You may find it enriching to share openly yet humbly with a spiritual mentor, pastor, or life coach walking closely with the Lord. Ask them to pray over your process and provide thoughtful counsel.
  3. Exploring gifts within a small group can both empower you and allow your talents to serve others as intended. As you learn each member’s divine design, look for pairings where you can build each other up.

Pray For Guidance

More than any other step, make prayer the foundation from which all discovery arises:

  1. Come before your Heavenly Father with heartfelt requests to unveil the purpose and service He created you for. Ask the Holy Spirit to confirm your spiritual identity.
  2. Carve out tranquil space simply by dwelling in His presence and listening through Scripture or praise for nudges regarding your design. Let contemplation and reflection incubate revelation.
  3. Remain pliant, trusting that in His time and way, answers will come. Discernment requires patience as well as openness. His guiding light often dawns gradually as faith grows in recognizing His call.

Pay Attention To Opportunities

As you spend time discerning your divine design, watch faithfully for pathways that could put revealed talents into practice:

  1. Ponder invitations arising through routine commitments like family, neighborhood, or vocation – may small acts of service uncover your gifts?
  2. Consider exploring volunteer roles where your skills could strengthen the community. New responsibilities may confirm God’s purposes are emerging.
  3. Most of all, cultivate attentiveness for unexpected promptings dropped by God’s hand. Alternative avenues that surface may harbor surprising provisions. Be quick to step through unforeseen portals, trusting the Shepherd’s guidance.

Embrace Trial And Error

As you follow promptings to explore new avenues in service, accept that:

  1. Venturing beyond familiarity into less certain roles will require courage. But have faith that God equips the willing, and each step drawn by His call leads to blessing.
  2. Not all efforts will feel successful by our measures. Yet, she struggles, too, as opportunities to lean on Him and glimpse room for refinement. Through stumbling, He teaches steadiness.
  3. Trial illuminates as much as a triumph, which ignites enduring passion that links directly to His purposes. Be at peace, not feeling pressured to perform, but gently discern your unique blend of charisms.

Use Your Gifts For God’s Glory

Once you’ve taken these steps to understand your design, aim to utilize skills honed:

  1. With humility, recognizing each talent comes from God is a privilege of stewardship. Your abilities exist not for your renown but to bless others in the name of the Giver.
  2. Look outward from yourself – how can compassionately using strengths build up the weak, care for lost souls, or edify the Body of Christ? Each small act carries the potential to touch lives through His love.
  3. Prayerfully consider avenues within local fellowship or neighborhood that could benefit from your gifts in ministry. Contribute your portion as invited, then trust where He may lead your willingness.


Through prayerful reflection and obedience to small promptings of service, may you experience the joy and peace of discerning the gifts God has lovingly placed within you. Keep your heart open to Him, and remain steadfast in communing with His Spirit. Be confident that as you walk in step with the Lord, in time, His plan and your place in His kingdom work will be made clear. May the light of Christ guide your path of continued discovery.

In this package you can discover your personal gifts: